Sunday, October 2, 2011

Life is busy! :)

With these past few months I have felt like they have flown by, I don't even know where the time went! KC, Faye, and I are all settled into our new apartment and love having our own space. It's so fun to decorate and cook together. I love spending every moment I have with my cute little family. I definitely feel so grateful for everything we have. This past week KC and I got to work together while someone went on a vacation and I must say it has been such a fun experience. I always thought that it would be hard on our marriage to work together but it has done the complete opposite! I love helping the elderly with KC! We have a blast and definitely have some great, funny stories and memories we will always have to share together.
We recently got called to teach the 6-7 year olds in primary! Now when they asked us I was so excited, until the bishopric went on to say.... there are 13 of them!!! I about passed out! We were definitely nervous for this crazy class but last week went really well I think. They love to talk but they also love candy so we are already bribing them! :)
Another fun thing we got to do was attend conference! What a wonderful experience that was! We rode trax all the way from west jordan which is so exciting for us! It was an amazing spirit to feel in the beautiful conference center and especially with my wonderful husband. One of the talks was about having children. Which is quite ironic, since that of course had to be the session we attended. The talk was about how having children is a commandment, which got KC right then and there. (which isn't very hard when it comes to babies.. he's a sucker ;))
I am so thankful for my husband and little kitty.. they make my life brighter each day!!
here are some pictures of us in ephraim, byu game, & conference!

1 comment:

  1. Lex! Your blog is cute :) Anyway, I have a quote I wanted to share on the whole "having children" thing. It's pretty deep but I love it.

    "Having children is not something you do if you have time, having children is what God gave you time for." - Elder Neil L. Anderson :)
