Sunday, July 28, 2013

And the countdown begins....

So as of today I am 38.5 weeks! Which is so crazy awesome and exciting! I can't believe we only have a few weeks left until we meet little Madilyn Marie. Now, I have loved every moment of movement and feeling her inside of me growing week by week don't get me wrong! I really am so grateful for this experience. But I am ready.. ready for this baby to be here and hold her in my arms. Look into her eyes that are discovering this beautiful new world around her. I mean I love my fat fingers and toes! They are so beautiful :) That is probably what I am looking forward to most about having my body back after she is born. It will be nice to not feel so self conscious and uncomfortable in my own skin.

KC and I are looking forward to having some time off together, even though the time will be spent all on Madilyn I really feel like we need this time as a family,to grow and bond. Then as daddy goes back to work Madi and I will create our own bond and I am so nervous for everything I know I will learn about newborns in a few short weeks.

Well We will see how things go and how soon she will come. My doctor will not induce me until 41 weeks so it could mean that she won't be here until August 13 or 14 at the latest. I am measuring a week small so that could mean that that is when she will come. But who knows, this little Madi has a mind of her own and we have no idea when she will decide that she wants to meet us.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

blogging is hard work!

Well my last post was almost 2 years ago which is pretty lame! I have never been good at this blogging thing! There has been a lot of change to the Shelton family in these fast 2 years I can't even believe it! KC and I will have been married for 2 years in August and we will also be expecting our little baby girl Madilyn Marie! She is mainly the reason I wanted to try and get back into blogging so I can document her firsts and fun things we do as a family!
Another addition we made to our family after being married just over 6 months was our sweet puppy Harlee. She is a white boxer with a very cute fawn ear. She is such a sweet and loving dog and we are so lucky to have her in our family!
We also bought a house a year ago which was very monumental for us and we love having our own place! We bought a house in West Valley and it is a cute 2 story house and it is brand new so we could make it our own! We had never thought we could afford something like this but we are so blessed to have found such a great home. Especially which will be great for when baby Madi comes she will have her room and bathroom which will be so nice!
This summer has been a very very hot one as you can imagine being pregnant doesn't help the situation! But we are coping with the heat by going to 7 peaks frequently and enjoying the lazy river! Being pregnant has been such an amazing experience that I am forever grateful to be blessed to be able to carry this sweet angel. The first 22 weeks were rough with morning sickness and poor KC watching me puke 15 pounds off but once I hit that 22 week mark it was like a light switch and I was fine. Which has been such a relief with being able to put some weight on and to have the feeling of being hungry back is so amazing. You never realize how much food can put a damper on your day until everything you smell is repulsive! Madi has been very active and I have been able to feel her kick since she was about 16 weeks. She is always squirming and poking at me which makes her mama happy since working on the maternity floor at the hospital and seeing all of the things that can go wrong has been really hard. Luckily this pregnancy has really been perfect other than the morning sickness.
KC and I had a really hard time picking Madi's name at first. We debated for a while and it wasn't that we couldn't agree, it was just that once of us didn't like the name as much as the other. Some of the names we debated were Charlee and Addylayde. We finally decided on Madilyn because we both liked the long name nick name sort of thing. We already know we will call her Madi and hopefully she will like that. It has been so fun to see how excited KC is getting for her to come and how nervous he is to be a dad. I know he will be such a great dad and has already shown me so much and I know it will only get better once she is born.
We only have about 4 weeks left until her due date and as KC says I am already "nesting"! We have reorganized our family room and pretty much have Madi's room all ready. It's crazy I still feel like I have so much to do before she gets here. But I don't think I will ever feel like I am ready. I am so excited to be a mother and to hold her in my arms and see how beautiful I know she will be but I can't even explain how nervous I am! I want so much to be a good mother to her and show her how to live and love righteously but in this world it scares me so much. I am so grateful to have such an amazing husband who can help me guide her and to teach her to choose righteously. I feel so blessed that she also will have 2 sets of amazingly righteous grandparents who I know will teach her good things. We already love her so much and I know once I see her my heart will feel things that I didn't know that they could feel. I am so grateful for the plan of salvation and for the amazing creation of our bodies and how these beautiful children come to us. Heavenly Father truly loves his children and shows us in these tiny miracles especially.
Hopefully I can stay up on this blogging thing and try to write at least once a month! I would love to have these thoughts and memories to be able to show Madilyn one day so that she can see how her mom and dad felt when she came to us! Even if this is just a blog for me to look back on I will be glad that I have it!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Life is busy! :)

With these past few months I have felt like they have flown by, I don't even know where the time went! KC, Faye, and I are all settled into our new apartment and love having our own space. It's so fun to decorate and cook together. I love spending every moment I have with my cute little family. I definitely feel so grateful for everything we have. This past week KC and I got to work together while someone went on a vacation and I must say it has been such a fun experience. I always thought that it would be hard on our marriage to work together but it has done the complete opposite! I love helping the elderly with KC! We have a blast and definitely have some great, funny stories and memories we will always have to share together.
We recently got called to teach the 6-7 year olds in primary! Now when they asked us I was so excited, until the bishopric went on to say.... there are 13 of them!!! I about passed out! We were definitely nervous for this crazy class but last week went really well I think. They love to talk but they also love candy so we are already bribing them! :)
Another fun thing we got to do was attend conference! What a wonderful experience that was! We rode trax all the way from west jordan which is so exciting for us! It was an amazing spirit to feel in the beautiful conference center and especially with my wonderful husband. One of the talks was about having children. Which is quite ironic, since that of course had to be the session we attended. The talk was about how having children is a commandment, which got KC right then and there. (which isn't very hard when it comes to babies.. he's a sucker ;))
I am so thankful for my husband and little kitty.. they make my life brighter each day!!
here are some pictures of us in ephraim, byu game, & conference!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

August 12, 2011

Well the day has come and gone! It flew by so fast and now we are all snuggled up and settled in our little apartment in West Jordan. We love it! It has been so fun for KC and I to decorate and put things away together. I'm so grateful for a husband who actually likes to help me decorate and decide things about the house :) It makes it fun to have someone especially him give input. Our wedding day was beautiful. It was perfect. It was warm, no cloud in the sky and just as sunny as could be. The ceremony was beautiful and I am so grateful we were able to go through the temple together. To know you are sealed to your best friend for eternity is so wonderful. I am a lucky woman! I love KC more than words can say and he is the sunshine to my day!!
We went on our fun honeymoon to Pagosa Springs, Colorado and just got to hang out and relax. It was very nice to just spend lots of time together. We pretty much watched Grey's Anatomy ALL DAY LONG. :)